API Docs for: 2.0.20133.2

File: src\internal\ui\virtualAgent\contentConfig.ts

/// <reference path="content/content.ts" />

 * @module UI
 * @submodule UI VirtualAgent
 * @namespace ui.virtualAgent
namespace internal.ui.virtualAgent {
     * Configuration for virtual agent content assets 
     * @class ContentConfig
    export interface ContentConfig {
         * Image of the virtual agent welcome screen
         * {{#crossLink "ui.virtualAgent.content.Image"}}{{/crossLink}}
         * @property  {object} bigImage
        bigImage?: content.Image;

         * Image of the virtual agent in the title bar
         * {{#crossLink "ui.virtualAgent.content.Image"}}{{/crossLink}}
         * @property  {object} smallImage
        smallImage?: content.Image;

         * Name of the virtual agent in the title bar
         * @property  {string} name
        name?: string;

         * Greeting text in the welcome screen
         * @property  {string} greeting
        greeting?: string;

         * First message the virtual agent displays to the user
         * @property  {string} welcomeMessage
        welcomeMessage?: string;

         * Input from the user that should be prepopulated as the first user message in the virtual agent experience.
         * This field has a limit of 1024 characters
         * @property  {string} userInput
        userInput?: string;

         * Options for the next flow action, you can provide a type of extension and customize the flow.
         * If a field is not provided for any property, that property will fall back to default behavior.
         * (some fields are required) {{#crossLink "ui.virtualAgent.content.FlowExtension"}}{{/crossLink}}
         * @property  {object} flowExtensionOption
        flowExtensionOption?: content.FlowExtension;

         * Answer content for the virtual agent messages.
         * {{#crossLink "ui.virtualAgent.content.Responses"}}{{/crossLink}}
         * @property  {object} responses
        responses?: content.Responses;

         * Placeholder text for the main input text box of the virtual agent
         * {{#crossLink "ui.virtualAgent.content.PlaceHolderStates"}}{{/crossLink}}
         * @property  {object} placeHolderInputText
        placeHolderInputText?: content.PlaceHolderStates;