API Docs for: 2.0.20133.2

File: src\internal\ui\chat\component.ts

/// <reference path="../../api/modalities/chatModality.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../utils/modality.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../utils/object.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../utils/typeCheck.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../utils/url.ts" />
/// <reference path="../constants.ts" />
/// <reference path="../uiComponent.ts" />
/// <reference path="sdk.ts" />
/// <reference path="config.ts" />

 * @module UI
 * @submodule UI Chat
 * @namespace ui

 * Chat UI Module
 * @class chat
 * @static
namespace internal.ui.chat {

    const LOAD_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000;
    const REPORT_HEIGHT_CHANGES = false;
    const CHAT_EVENT_PREFIX = "Chat";
    const CHAT_MESSAGE_EVENT_NAME = "ChatMessage";
    const CHAT_COMPONENT = "Chat";

     * Render the Chat UI
     * @method render
     * @static
     * @param {ui.chat.Config} config A {{#crossLink "ui.chat.Config"}}{{/crossLink}} object
     * @param {ui.UIInfo} [config.uiInfo] A {{#crossLink "ui.UIInfo"}}{{/crossLink}} object {{#crossLink "ui.UIInfo"}}{{/crossLink}}
     * @param {ui.HostType} [config.uiInfo.type] A value in {{#crossLink "ui.HostType"}}{{/crossLink}} which indicates the type of UI to render e.g. IFRAME, POPUP.
     * @param {String} [config.uiInfo.containerSelector] Only required for iframe -- a JQuery selector statement to define the element into which the iframe will be loaded
     * @param {Number} [config.uiInfo.height] The height of the rendered UI
     * @param {Number} [config.uiInfo.width] The width of the rendered UI
     * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to a {{#crossLink "ui.chat.SDK"}}{{/crossLink}} object when the UI component has successfully loaded
     * @example
     *     // Modalities API must be called first to get the modalities object which is required to render chat.
     *     // Render chat as an IFRAME.
     *     // More UIInfo examples available {{#crossLink "ui.UIInfo"}}here{{/crossLink}}
     *     var uiInfo = {
     *         type: {{#crossLink "ui.HostType"}}MsSupportSdk.ui.HostType.IFRAME{{/crossLink}},
     *         containerSelector: "#iframe-container"
     *     };
     *     // Create a {{#crossLink "ui.chat.Config"}}chat config{{/crossLink}}
     *     var config = {
     *         uiInfo: uiInfo
     *         modalities: window.savedModalities, // See {{#crossLink "api.modalities"}}Modalities API examples{{/crossLink}} about how to get the modalities object
     *         onEstablished: function() {
     *             console.log("Chat established");
     *         },
     *         onQueued: function (e) {
     *             console.log("Chat queued.");
     *         },
     *         onQueueUpdated: function (e) {
     *             console.log("Chat queue position updated.");
     *         },
     *         onMessage: function (e) {
     *             console.log("Chat message received.");
     *         },
     *         onClosed: function () {
     *             console.log("Chat closed.");
     *         },
     *         onTransferred: function() {
     *             console.log("Chat transferred.");
     *         },
     *         onRejoinUrl: function (e) {
     *             console.log("Rejoin url received.");
     *         },
     *         onAgentDataReady: function() {
     *             console.log("AgentDataReady received");
     *         }
     *      };
     *     // Render chat UI
     *     MsSupportSdk.ui.chat.render(config).then(
     *         function(chatSDK) {
     *             // See {{#crossLink "ui.chat.SDK"}}ui.chat.SDK{{/crossLink}} for details about chatSDK. 
     *             // chatSDK.updateContext({ foo: "bar" }); // Update context of the current chat session
     *             // chatSDK.sendMessage("Test message"); // Send a message to agent
     *         },
     *         function(err) {
     *             console.log(err.message);
     *         });
    export function render(config: Config): JQueryPromise<any> {
        return ui.renderComponent(Component, config, CHAT_COMPONENT);

    export class Component extends UIComponent {

        private chatSDK: SDK;
        private url: string;

        constructor(config: Config) {
            if (!config || (!config.modalities && !config.rejoinUrl)) {
                throw new Error("Chat must be passed an object with available modalities from the API or a rejoin url.");
            super(config, LOAD_TIMEOUT_MS, REPORT_HEIGHT_CHANGES);

        public getComponentUrl(): string {
            return (<Config>this.config).rejoinUrl || this.url || (this.url = getChatUrl(<Config>this.config));

        public getComponentSdk(): SDK {
            if (!this.chatSDK) {
                this.chatSDK = {
                    sendMessage: (message: any) => sendChatMessage(this.proxy, message),
                    updateContext: () => updateChatContext()
            return this.chatSDK;

        public getXframeProxyUrl(): string {
            return `${utils.getOriginFromUrl(this.getComponentUrl())}/xframeproxy/`;

        protected getEventListeners(): Map<EventListener> {
            return UIComponent.getEventListeners(this.config, CHAT_EVENT_PREFIX);

    function getChatUrl(config: Config): string {
        let modality = <api.modalities.ChatModality>utils.getModalityByType(config.modalities, api.modalities.Modality.CHAT);
        if (!modality) {
            throw new Error("Chat is not supported for this product/issue/langugage/country.");
        let link = modality.link;
        let values: any = {};
        if (config.surveyType && config.surveyType === <any>SurveyType.NONE) {
            values["surveyType"] = "NONE";
        if (config.authInfo && config.authInfo.type === <any>AuthType.AAD) {
            values["useAAD"] = true;
        if (config.authInfo && config.authInfo.type === <any>AuthType.DELEGATED) {
            values["authType"] = "DELEGATED";
        if (config.context && utils.isArray(config.context)) {
            values["context"] = utils.stringify(config.context);
        // allow overwriting the subject to connect to a specific agent pool.
        // We don't want to expose this to the public therefore it's not defined on the Config interface
        if ((<any>config).subject) {
            values["subject"] = (<any>config).subject;
        return utils.appendParams(link, values, true);

    function sendChatMessage(proxy: proxy.SdkClientProxy, message: any): JQueryPromise<any> {
        proxy.dispatchEvent(CHAT_MESSAGE_EVENT_NAME, message);
        return jQuery.Deferred().resolve();

    function updateChatContext(): JQueryPromise<any> {
        return jQuery.Deferred().reject("Not implemented");