API Docs for: 2.0.20156.1

File: src\internal\ui\uiConfig.ts

/// <reference path="authInfo.ts" />
/// <reference path="uiInfo.ts" />
///  <reference path="theme/config.ts" />

 * @module UI
 * @namespace ui
namespace internal.ui {
     * Base class that defines common properties & events of a UI component
     * @class UIConfig
     * @static
    export interface UIConfig {

        [key: string]: any;

         * A {{#crossLink "ui.UIInfo"}}{{/crossLink}} object that describes how the UI component will be rendered.
         * @property {UIInfo} uiInfo
        uiInfo: UIInfo;

         * A {{#crossLink "ui.AuthInfo"}}{{/crossLink}} object that specifies the authentication information.
         * @property {ui.AuthInfo} authInfo
        authInfo?: AuthInfo;

         * A {{#crossLink "ui.theme.Config"}}{{/crossLink}} provides theme customization for a UI feature(The UI feature MUST support theme customization, otherwise this will be ignored)
         * @property {ui.theme.Config} theme
        theme?: theme.Config;

         * Fired when an error occurs
         * @event onError
         * @param {object} data An object that contains error information
         * @param {string} data.message Error message
        onError?: EventListener;

         * Fires when user sign-in is requested
         * @event onSignInRequest
         * @param {Array} data An array that contains information for supported sign-in types. i.e. [{ type: "MSA", policy: "MBI_SSL" }, { type: "ADD" }]
        onSignInRequest?: EventListener;

         * Fired when popu window redirects to login page
         * @event onSignInRedirect
        onSignInRedirect?: EventListener;

         * Fired when the ui component is closed
         * @event onUnloaded
        onUnloaded?: EventListener;