API Docs for: 2.0.20156.1

File: src\internal\ui\caseManagement\createCaseConfig.ts

/// <reference path="../uiConfig.ts" />
/// <reference path="CaseConfig.ts" />

 * @module UI
 * @submodule UI CaseManagement
 * @namespace ui.caseManagement.createCase

namespace internal.ui.caseManagement.createCase {

     * Configuration for case management case creation component
     * @class CreateCaseConfig
     * @extends ui.caseManagement.CaseConfig
    export interface CreateCaseConfig extends CaseConfig {

         * sapId for associate product and support category with to-be-created case
         * @property {string} sapId
        sapId: string;

         * entitlementId. The entitlement used to submit case
         * @property {string} entitlementId
        entitlementId: string;

         * Array of step names to include in case creation workflow.
         * When this parameter is omitted or array is empty, all available steps are included
         * @property {Array<string>} includedWorkflowSteps
        includedWorkflowSteps?: Array<string>;

         * Optional flag. If included and set to true default headers for workflow steps will be hidden
         * @property {boolean} hideFormHeaders
        hideFormHeaders?: boolean;

         * Optional field. If included and has any value, Title will be prepopulated with this value in case creation form
         * @property {string} titlePrePopulate
        titlePrePopulate?: string;

       * Optional field. If included and has any key/value pairs, matching form field keys will be prepopulated with value in case creation form
       * @property {string} titlePrePopulate
        fieldsPrePopulate?: Object;

         * Fires when the case submission succeeds
         * @event onCaseSubmitted
         * @param {object} data A data object that is passed through the event
         * @param {object} data.caseId Case id for newly created case if the submission is successful.
         * @param {object} data.errorCode http code for creation request
         * @param {object} data.errorMessage error message for failed request
        onCaseSubmitted?: EventListener;

         * Fires when submitting case
         * @event onSubmittingCase
        onSubmittingCase?: EventListener;

         * Fires when workflow loaded
         * @event onWorkflowLoaded
        onWorkflowLoaded?: EventListener;