API Docs for: 2.0.20156.1

File: src\internal\ui\Survey\config.ts

/// <reference path="../uiConfig.ts" />

 * @module UI
 * @submodule UI Survey
 * @namespace ui.survey
namespace internal.ui.survey {

     * Configuration for survey component
     * @class Config
     * @extends ui.UIConfig
    export interface Config extends UIConfig {
         * Optional view mode to disaplay the survey in. Default is Wizard view
         * @property {string} viewMode
        viewMode?: string;

         * Use compass preview data. Used for debugging purposes only
         * @property {boolean} preview
        preview?: boolean;

         * The survey ux environment to use.
         * @property {string} environment
        environment?: string;

         * The survey platform environment to use.
         * @property {string} surveyPlatformEnvironment
        surveyPlatformEnvironment?: string;

         * Fires when the survey is complete
         * @event onSurveyComplete
         * @param {object} data A data object that is passed through the event
         * @param {object} data.Submitted True if the user submitted the survey. False if they cancelled.
        onSurveyComplete?: EventListener;

         * Fires when the survey is rendered
         * @event onSurveyComplete
        onSurveyRendered?: EventListener;